
The SSM! Arcade #2: Dynamite Cop

The SSM! Arcade #1: Crazy Taxi: https://silentsanctummanga.blogspot.com/2017/07/the-ssm-arcade-1-crazy-taxi.html

There are corrupt and ruthless cops and then there were:
or Dynamite Deka 2 as it was called when it was ported to the Sega Dreamcast.
But first things first, what in the blue hell is a Deka anyways?

でか • (deka) (slang) a detective, a plainclothes police officer or constable.
Well, there you go!

Dynamite Cop is the Japanese counterpart of
Sans John McClane,
Hans Gruber
and pretty much the entire plot & story of the very first Die Hard movie.
The action does take place within a skyscraper
and the only resemblance to the movie was there is this group of terrorists
and the need to rescue someone.
Jeez, with a face like that, I'd rather not rescue the president's daughter.

Both Die Hard Arcade and Dynamite Cop are excellent 3D beat'em up titles from Sega.
Yes, yet another Sega title. I'm definitely seeing a pattern here.

But Dynamite Cop would be the better title for us since it ditches the license and film references
entirely and decided to stage the game on a cruise ship instead.
Still no Alan Rickman in sight, but instead you get a cyborg Wolf Hongo and his ragtag crew of pirate cosplayers.
The plot still forces you to save the president's daughter
and boy is she a whole lot uglier this time around.
We initially just wanted to play this game for this scene alone:
Which was unfortunately glitched out and controls in a somewhat sluggish pace.

Speaking of moving slowly, collect 5 "P" icons to make your chosen character move even faster.
This would also enable certain grabs and throws while being powered up.
Collect an "S" icon for an instant power-up.
Also, your DEKASCORE goes down every time you obtain damage.
Similar to the bullshit "Right Minus Wrong" method used during UPCAT.

You also lose an article of clothing every time you obtain damage.
Not entirely sure if this counts as fanservice but we'd certainly allow it!

But after countless replays, this game surely does holds up pretty nicely.
Sure the polygons are rather chunky but the weapons are always over the top (from something as small as a pepper shaker to something as massive as an anti ship missile).
and the gameplay is always pretty solid.

So be really unreasonable and throw your weight around.
Or better yet, throw bosses
and henchmen around.

You also get to throw an authentic Sega Blast City arcade cabinet around.
If there is any other game that allows you to do that then by all means,
let us know!

The game allows you to select from 3 characters.
Now, we're not going to go with their given names but let's go with their Hollywood names instead.

Namely Channing Tatum (with a Monkey), Milla Jovovich and Jamie Foxx.
Our personal favorite is Milla Jovovich. Since she can chain grab like a mofo.
She has enough chain grappling skills to make King from Tekken proud.

Speaking of grapplings and submission holds.
Each character comes equipped with their very own wrestling move.
Perform such "Do Not Try This At Home" moves like:
Cradle Piledrivers.
The Pedigree.
or even
a Tombstone Piledriver.

This game also allows you to select your own branching path.
But this only happens once and whichever path you choose would still
lead you to a similar
and yet somewhat altered scenario within the game.
 Does that even make sense, hopefully it does!
It simply adds to the replayability with
slight visual changes but isn't really all that relevant to the storyline.

And from what I could tell, there really aren't any good or bad endings. Just a really generic and slightly entertaining one, I guess? (Also, no spoiler images for this section. Play it yourself, man!)

Both Dynamite Cop and Die Hard Arcade allows you to either let your fists do the talking
or do the somewhat "humane" way of apprehending your opponents.
Arresting criminals can only be done when armed with a handgun and can be accomplished a whole lot easier in Dynamite Cop.
Both games have their own series of  Quick Time Events.
And also, both versions features a men's urinal scene.
Which says a lot about the game, I guess?

And in addition to deviating from the Die Hard franchise entirely, Dynamite Cop also features a (probably) unauthorized usage of Arnold Schwarzenegger's image in one of the gym and powder room stages.
The powder room stage would also feature Elvis and Marilyn Monroe like mannequins.

And although everyone can quickly point out the Chicken Leg as a Golden Axe reference.
Dynamite Cop also features several intentional and unintentional nods to other Sega franchises such as:
Sega's AM2 Palm Tree
The Werewolf from Altered Beast.
And an Outrun arcade cabinet.

Concept artworks for the game were also designed by Sir Tony DeZuniga.
Wrongfully credited as Tony De Zungia.
And in the Dreamcast version, you are even allowed to find these concept artworks similar to the secret tapes in Tony Hawk Pro Skater.
Sadly the option to collect these artworks and the Tranquilizer mini-game were absent from
the arcade version.

And that's that, my dudes!
Join us again on another installment of The SSM! Arcade.
And as always, we'd advise you to keep your tokens plenty and keep your arcade skills even plentier!

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